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How to calculate “AIC” in a svyglm model?

I have this model and I need to calculate "AIC" to make model selection, my problem is that when I run the model "AIC" appears as "NA".

MODEL= svyglm(formula = Asiste ~ afro + sexo + E27 + JovenActivo + hijos + 
jefe + LN_YSVL_sin_joven_prom + aniosed + climaeducativo + 
Mdeo + icv2 + TV + Computadora + Telefono + Internet + Cable + 
Calefon + DVD + Microhondas + Aire + Auto_o_moto + Secadora + 
Madre_ausente + Internet + TV + Lavavajillas + Refrigerador + 
climaeducativo + Actividad_del_Jefe + Hacinamiento, family = quasibinomial(link =      
data = Personas.con.muestra, design = diseño_personas_14_17, 
subset = (Stratum != 0))

[1] NA

Any suggestion?

Thanks!! Natalia



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