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How to build AIC model selection table using mlogit models

I'm trying to build an AIC table for my candidate set of models in R, which were run using mlogit . I've used glm and glmer in the past, and have always used the package AICcmodavg and aictab to extract values and create a model selection table. This package doesn't seem to work for mlogit , so I'm wondering if there are any other ways of creating an AIC table in R besides manual calculation using the log-likelihood value?

Example of mlogit model output:

mlogit(formula = Case ~ Dist_boulder + Mesohabitat + Depth + 
    Size + Size^2 | -1, data = reach.dc, method = "nr")

Frequencies of alternatives:
0 1 2 3 
1 0 0 0 

nr method
5 iterations, 0h:0m:0s 
g'(-H)^-1g = 1.19E-05 
successive function values within tolerance limits 

Coefficients :
                   Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|)  
Dist_boulder      -0.052165   0.162047 -0.3219  0.74752  
Mesohabitatriffle -1.400752   0.612329 -2.2876  0.02216 *
Mesohabitatrun     0.302697   0.420181  0.7204  0.47128  
Depth              0.137524   0.162521  0.8462  0.39745  
Size               0.336949   0.145036  2.3232  0.02017 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Log-Likelihood: -86.627

example of models run (from my candidate set of 14)

 predation.reach<-mlogit(Case ~ Dist_boulder + Mesohabitat + Depth + Size + Size^2 | -1, data=reach.dc)
velocity.reach<-mlogit(Case ~ Mid_vel | -1, data=reach.dc)
spaces.reach<-mlogit(Case~ Embedded + Class | -1, data=reach.dc)
substrate.reach<-mlogit(Case ~ Class | -1, data=reach.dc)

defining candidate set list

cand.set.reach<-list(predation.reach, velocity.reach, spaces.reach, substrate.reach)

bbmle::AICtab() appears to work.

m1 <- mlogit(formula = mode ~ price + catch | income,
  data = Fish,     
  alt.subset = c("charter", "pier", "beach"), method = "nr")
m2 <- update(m1, . ~ . - price)
##    dAIC  df
## m1   0.0 6 
## m2 412.1 5 

By default bbmle::AICtab() gives only delta-AIC and the model degrees of freedom/number of parameters, but you can use optional arguments to get the absolute AIC, AIC weights, etc..

It also works with a list:

L <- list(m1,m2)

In the tidyverse world,

L %>% purrr::map(augment) %>% bind_rows()

ought to work, but doesn't yet .

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