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JDBC - How do I 'getString' from a ResultSet if the column's name is a keyword?

Whenever I try to retrieve the value for a column named "Comment" in an Access db (.mdb), It gives me the following error.

Offence: copying data
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "Comment": invalid identifier

This is my code:

public static void copyOffenceTable()
        PreparedStatement updateOffenceTypeTable  = null;

        //Set up "insert" string
        String insertString = "INSERT INTO Offence "
                + "(id, OffenceName, status, OffenceSuburb, OffenceDate, FirstName, LastName, \"Comment\", OffenderAddress, OffenderSuburb, OffenderPostcode, OffenderState, OffenderEmail, LicenceNumber, DOB, StaffIssuerID, OffenderPhone) "                                          
                + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

        String MSAccessQuery = "SELECT * FROM Offence";

            //create a query object for MSAccess
            dbmsMSAccess.DBMSStatement = dbmsMSAccess.DBMSConnection.createStatement();
            //Query the MSAccess database for extraction
            dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet = dbmsMSAccess.DBMSStatement.executeQuery(MSAccessQuery);
            //make query object for Oracle
            dbmsOracle.DBMSOracleStatement = dbmsOracle.DBMSOracleConnection.createStatement();

            dbmsOracle.DBMSOracleStatement.execute("TRUNCATE TABLE Offence");


            updateOffenceTypeTable = dbmsOracle.DBMSOracleConnection.prepareStatement(insertString);

            System.out.println("Offence: copying data");

                updateOffenceTypeTable.setInt(1, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getInt("id") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(2, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("OffenceName") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(3, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("Status") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(4, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("OffenceSuburb") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setDate(5, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getDate("OffenceDate") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(6, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("FirstName") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(7, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("LastName") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(8, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("COMMENT") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(9, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("OffenderAddress") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(10, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("OffenderSuburb") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setInt(11, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getInt("OffenderPostcode") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(12, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("OffenderState") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setString(13, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getString("OffenderEmail") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setInt(14, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getInt("LicenceNumber") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setDate(15, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getDate("DOB") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setInt(16, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getInt("StaffIssuerID") );
                updateOffenceTypeTable.setInt(17, dbmsMSAccess.DBMSResultSet.getInt("OffenderPhone") );


            System.out.println("Offence: ACCESS DATA COPIED TO ORACLE\n");
        catch(Exception X)
            System.out.println("ERROR - Offence TABLE");

Is there a way to refer to a column that is also a keyword through jdbc?

I've tried putting 'comment' between apostrophes and also quote marks.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: The values are being placed into an oracle database with supposedly identical tables.

Try with some brackets:

 String insertString = "INSERT INTO Offence "
                + "(id, OffenceName, status, OffenceSuburb, OffenceDate, FirstName, LastName, [Comment], OffenderAddress, OffenderSuburb, OffenderPostcode, OffenderState, OffenderEmail, LicenceNumber, DOB, StaffIssuerID, OffenderPhone) "                                          
                + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

EDIT: For oracle, if we trust this topic : https://stackoverflow.com/a/1162391/291541

The solution is the double quote but you have to pay attention to the case. Please check if your column is comment instead of Comment by example.

Please remove Double Quotes inside the Query

   String insertString = "INSERT INTO Offence "
                + "(id, OffenceName, status, OffenceSuburb, OffenceDate, FirstName, LastName, Comment, OffenderAddress, OffenderSuburb, OffenderPostcode, OffenderState, OffenderEmail, LicenceNumber, DOB, StaffIssuerID, OffenderPhone) "                                          
                + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

Won't be possible to rename your column at query level? something like select comment as my_comment from blabla

You could also reach that field using its index

Use a back quote (or back tick) to escape the offending column's name like `\\"Comment\\"`

String insertString = "INSERT INTO Offence "
+ "(id, OffenceName, status, OffenceSuburb, OffenceDate, FirstName, LastName, `\"Comment\"`, OffenderAddress, OffenderSuburb, OffenderPostcode, OffenderState, OffenderEmail, LicenceNumber, DOB, StaffIssuerID, OffenderPhone) "                                          
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

In the end, None of these methods suggested worked for me, however they were worth a shot!

I ended up having to go into the database and get permission to change the field from comment to comments.

Thanks everyone who posted i really appreciate it!

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