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Call MVC async action through Ajax, start task, send the ajax response before the task completes?

I have the following scenario:

I have an MVC Async Controller that has an upload action, which processes a csv file and saves the data to the database using nHibernate. This is called using

 Task<Nacr.Core.Entities.FileLoad.Job>.Factory.StartNew(() =>

Currently the action is called thorugh an ajax call, and I am waiting for the ProcessJob to finish before sending back my response to the originating ajax call.

I am notifiying the user of the files progress using a signalR notifier hub to populate a record count and progress bar on the UI, which works a treat. Therefore is no need for the ajax call to wait for this to complete, as the results are visible during processing.

However, if I close the ajax call after I have started the processJob running, I get the following error:

 System.ObjectDisposedException: Session is closed!

This is due to the fact that the Session is registered with a PerWebRequest lifestyle in Windsor, but my question is is there any way that the session can be used after the ajax call has had a response?

The reason for my question is that for very large files, the ajax request appears to be recalling the processJob after around a minute, presumably due to the fact that it has waited for too long without receiving a response for the original request.

My original question on this can be viewed here: Async Controller Action Re-Called after one minute

I think this is because the browser has not had a timely response from the MVC action and so automatically retries.

Look at the answer from this related question: What happens when no response is received for a request? I'm seeing retries

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