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Access static property of component in Yii

I have a

public $errorCode;
public static $errorMsg = array(
    100=>'Producto inexistente',
    101=>'Máximo de sesiones simultáneas alcanzado',
    102=>'No se pudo renovar la sesión',
    103=>'Sesión inexistente',
    104=>'No se pudo iniciar la sesión',
    105=>'No se pudo finalizar la sesión',

in my Component.

I'm trying to access it this way:

var_dump( Yii::app()->productSession->errorMsg );

But will display Undefined property .

When I try var_dump( Yii::app()->productSession::errorMsg ); I get unexpected ::

Is it possible to access this property? If I let this public only it would work, I just don't want these strings populate memory in multiple instantiation. Thanks!

You forgot to specify the $ :

var_dump( ProductSession::$errorMsg );


Yep, sorry, :: is the operator for static members, so it does'nt fit on an instance : use the class name

Also check the PHP site, the case is well documented : Static keyword

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