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TinyMCE plugin in umbraco

I'm trying to add a custom button for umbraco richtext datatype, so i made a simple plugin for TinyMCE... But i cant seem to get it working, it shows up in the datatype, but not when i open the editor for some page...

//File: umbraco_client/tinymce3/plugins/addarrowheader/editor_plugin_src.js
//Same content in editor_plugin.js (just minified)

(function () {
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.mceAddArrowHeader', {
    init: function (ed, url) {
        ed.addCommand('addHeader', function () {

        ed.addButton('addArrow', { title: 'DoAdd', image: '/images/editor/umbracoTextGen.gif', cmd: 'addHeader' });

    getInfo: function () {
        return {
            longname: 'mceAddArrowHeader',
            author: 'Bekker',
            authorurl: 'Eksponent.com',
            infourl: 'none',
            version: tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion

// Register plugin
tinymce.PluginManager.add('mceAddArrowHeader', tinymce.plugins.mceAddArrowHeader);

Added following to tinyMceConfig.config (/config/ folder)

//in <commands>
  <tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="mceAddArrowHeader">addarrowheader</tinyMceCommand>

//In <plugins>
//just using spellchecker.gif for test purpose, no custom icon yet...
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">addarrowheader</plugin>


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