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TinyMCE in impresspages plugin trouble

At first, it is need to know I get active the FullTinyMCe and TinyMCEComplete plugins in Impresspages. Well, I have a new plugin where I have a field like this:

$fields[] = array(
    'label' => 'Rich Text to Store',
    'field' => 'textToStore',
    'type' => 'RichText',
    'preview' => '\Plugin\MyPlugin\Helper::previewText'

How do I do to force the type RichText using the versatility of the FullTinyMCE instead of internal configuration? I need other skills in this field like html edit and save for instance.

Thanks for the aid!

These plugins alter the config just for themselves. If you want to update TinyMCE globally, change the implementation of ipTinyMceConfig() function. This is the default function that provides the configuration of TinyMCE. Replace it with your own function (this is all about JavaScript) that returns your custom configuration. That will take affect everywhere on ImpressPages. More about that:


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