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Bash parameter expansion delimiter

I'm trying to get 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10 using parameter expansion {1..10} and pattern matching:

$ var=$(echo {1..10})
$ echo ${var// /:}

Is there a more elegant way (one-liner) to do this?


( set {1..10} ; IFS=: ; echo "$*" )

Agreeing with @choroba's comment about elegance, here are some other beholdables:

# seq is a gnu core utility
seq 1 10 | paste -sd:
# Or:
seq -s: 1 10

# {1..10} is bash-specific
printf "%d\n" {1..10} | paste -sd:

# posix compliant
yes | head -n10 | grep -n . | cut -d: -f1 | paste -sd:


echo {1..9}: 10 | tr -d ' '

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