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CMake - Depending on another cmake project

I have the following structure to a project I am working on:


Library1 is a library I am developing that needs to link with Library2 which is a 3rd party library. When I build Library1 , I need it to automatically build Library2 and link with it. Executable1 will need to build and link with Library1 . I'm not sure how to do with with Cmake, and I was wondering if anyone could guide me in the right direction. I think I may need to use the add_dependencies command or add_subdirectory but I'm not sure how to go about using them and making sure they are linked to my library. Any help would be appreciated.

I'd think the best commands here are likely to be add_subdirectory (as you suspected) and target_link_libraries .

I guess with your directory structure, I'd expect to see a "top-level" CMakeLists.txt in the root. In that CMake file, you'd invoke the subdirectories' CMakeLists using add_subdirectory .

I imagine both Library1 and Library2 are actual CMake targets, included via add_library , and similarly you have add_executable(Executable1 ...) . In this case, you can add the following to Library1/CMakeLists.txt:

target_link_libraries(Library1 Library2)

CMake now automatically links Library2 whenever Library1 is specified as a dependency. If Library2 is modified, then it will be rebuilt automatically before being linked to Library1 again.

Likewise in Executable1/CMakeLists.txt you can then do:

target_link_libraries(Executable1 Library1)

Probably the only thing to watch for here is that the order of the add_subdirectory commands would need to be


so that the dependencies are defined before they're referred to in the target_link_libraries calls.

A final point which seems odd to me is that you have a build directory per target. Normally there should only be a need for a single build directory (preferably outside the source tree).

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