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Teradata Sql query

I have data as follows in a Table ( 3 columns ):

Name    StartDt         EndDt
 A     01/01/2009    12/31/2009
 A     01/01/2010    11/30/2010
 B     03/01/2011    10/31/2011
 A     04/01/2012    12/31/2012
 A     01/01/2013    08/01/2013

Now I want to create a Output using Terdata Sql query as follows:

Name    Min_Startdt    Max_Startdt
 A       01/01/2009    11/30/2010
 A       04/01/2012    08/01/2013
 B       03/01/2011    10/31/2011

Please let me how this can be achieved via a Teradata Query

Here is one approach:

     , grp
     , MIN(StartDt)
     , MAX(EndDt)
  FROM (
        SELECT t.*
             , SUM(keepwithnext) 
                   OVER (PARTITION BY  name 
                             ORDER BY startdt 
                         ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING
                        ) AS grp
          FROM (
                 SELECT t.*
                      , CASE WHEN t2.name is null 
                              THEN 0 
                              ELSE 1 
                         END   AS keepwithnext
                   FROM t AS t
                   LEFT OUTER 
                   JOIN t AS t2
                     ON     t.name  = t2.name 
                        AND t.enddt = t2.StartDt - 1
                 ) AS t
        ) AS t
GROUP BY name, grp;

The idea is to determine when each sequence of dates ends. A sequence continues while the next start date is one day later than the given end date. This is what the innermost subquery does.

Then, for each name, calculate a cumulative sum of "ends". All the rows with the same "grp" value are in a sequence. The outside query then aggregates these together.

you can try doing a query that looks like this

select distinct * from (
    select name,
    min(startdt) over(partition by name) as startdt,
    max(enddt) over(partition by name) as enddt)

this should work...

In TD13.10 you might use one of the new time series functions for periods, TD_NORMALIZE_OVERLAP_MEET or TD_NORMALIZE_MEET, which combine all rows which meet (end of one row = start of next row) and/or overlap (end of one row > start of next row).

As a the ending date of a PERIOD is exclusive by definition you have to adjust your EndDt by adding 1.

WITH cte(name, pd) AS
      ,PERIOD(StartDt, EndDt+1) AS pd
   FROM dropme
   ,BEGIN(pd) AS StartDt
   ,LAST(pd) AS EndDt -- latest including date, same as END(pd)-1
           (NEW VARIANT_TYPE(cte.name)
            RETURNS (name VARCHAR(...) 
                    ,pd PERIOD(DATE)
                    ,cnt INTEGER)-- optional, number of rows combined
            HASH BY name
            LOCAL ORDER BY name, pd
        ) AS dt


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