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Getting started with developing for Chrome

I have been asked by my friend to make an application for Chrome and it requires me to have context-sensitive menus as below:

I have never really made anything for Chrome before and I have a few questions regarding it:

  1. I will have to develop a plug-in , right ?
  2. If so, is there a specific set of rules I have to follow ?

I know I can use GWT to compile Java to JavaScript
3. This context sensitive menu is the same as JPopupMenu ?

The application I want to develop is simple:
Copy some text,
right-click, click on the context sensitive menu
apply simple Caesar's cipher to the text
open a new JFrame with JtextArea in it to display the encrypted text.

  1. What you're creating is called an " extension ", not a "plug-in". A browser extension is written using HTML, CSS and Javascript, and got access to APIs for direct interaction with the browser.
    Plug-ins , on the other hand, are compiled binaries such as Flash and Java.

  2. Drop the idea of using GWT for Chrome extensions. It makes development of the extension harder, not easier ( open issue ).
    Especially because you'll find plenty of vanilla JavaScript examples and tutorials in the documentation and Stack Overflow.

You just have to know the relevant APIs:

Copy some text, right-click, click on the context sensitive menu

Use chrome.contextMenus . There's no need to copy, the selected text is available in the callback ( examples ).

apply simple Caesar's cipher to the text

Create a JavaScript function to achieve this.

open a new JFrame with JtextArea in it to display the encrypted text.

Create a new window using chrome.windows.create . You could include an extra HTML page in your extension, and use the message passing APIs to populate the text field, but since you appear to be a complete newbie, I show a simple copy-paste method to create and populate this window:

function displayText(title, text) {
    var escapeHTML = function(s) { return (s+'').replace(/</g, '&lt;'); };
    var style = '*{width:100%;height:100%;box-sizing:border-box}';
    style += 'html,body{margin:0;padding:0;}';
    style += 'textarea{display:block;}';
    var html = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
    html += '<html><head><title>';
    html += escapeHTML(title);
    html += '</title>';
    html += '<style>' + style + '</style>';
    html += '</head><body><textarea>';
    html += escapeHTML(text);
    html += '</body></html>'

    var url = 'data:text/html,' + encodeURIComponent(html);
        url: url,
        focused: true

Don't forget to read Getting started to learn more about the extension's infrastructure.

Check out Google Chrome Extensions Chrome Extensions

The Getting Started will help you Getting Started

You will find a section on how to use Context Menus.

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