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How to change input type to password without key press delay

ok I have default text in an input field as "password" and when a key is pressed I want it to change to the input type "password". But when I attempt this the input doesn't register my first key press but it registers all key presses after the input type switch.

function inputField(focus, inputValue, inputID){
// change inputID variable into pointer to the actual ID
var iD = document.getElementById(inputID);

// check if input has focus and handle default value changes, password field type changes, and font color changes.
if (focus == "on"){

    if(iD.value == inputValue){
        iD.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
        iD.style.color = "#b2b2b2";
    iD.onkeypress = function(){
        if(iD.value == "password" || iD.value == "retype password"){
            iD.type = "password";
        if (iD.value != "" && iD.value == inputValue){
                iD.value = "";
                iD.style.color = "#000000";
}else if(focus == "off"){
    if (iD.value == ""){
        if(iD.type == "password"){
            iD.type = "text";
        iD.style.color = "#787878";
        iD.value = inputValue;
    }else if(iD.value == inputValue){
        iD.style.color = "#787878"

 id = "registerPassword"
 class = "loginSectionInput"
     type = "text"
 name = "rPassword"
 value = "password"
 onfocus = "inputField('on', 'password', this.id)"
 onblur = "inputField('off', 'password', this.id)"
 onchange = "formCheck('registerPassword')"

HTML5 solves this problem for us with the placeholder attribute. No need to manage the events again...Please check some like following

<input type=password name="pwd" placeholder="Password">

You can do it in different ways, some of them are listed here! hope i have help you

Let say you have field like-

<input type="text" id="mypswfield" name="mypswfield" />

Way 1:

On onClick even, you can replace it by using Jquery,

$('#mypswfield').replaceWith('<input type="password" id="mypswfield" />')

Way 2:

$("[name=fieldname]").attr("type", "password");

(Note: This is jquery function may issue in old IE so careful)

Way 3: Create function

function txtField()


function txtPawd()



<input id="mypswfield" onclick="txtField();" onblur="txtPawd();" name="mypswfield" type="text" value="Password">

show you an example:

<html><head><script>function swithch(){
  alert("myText is ");
    var myText=document.getElementById("myId");
    alert("myText is "+myText);
    alert("myText is type "+myText.type);
    alert("myText is  value "+myText.value);
 TT <input type="password" name="myText" id="myId" value="123456"/> <input type="button" name="switch" value="swithch" onclick="swithch()">

this code have been tested at google chrome.

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