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Track App Version in Google Analytics

I am using Google Analytics module( https://marketplace.appcelerator.com/apps/5081?2014113336 ) in my Titanium App.

1). Is there any way to track my app version to Google Analytics. In that module documentation no information regarding this.

2). How can I test Google Analytics in my app? After integrating GA, I didn't see any data on my GA account. (even realtime data also empty https://www.google.com/analytics/web/#realtime )

3). When creating new Account in Google Analytics, which one should I choose WebSite or App ( http://screencast.com/t/gE0nPfxKsD7 )?(What is the difference between both)


The support staff say there is a way to use a Segment to filter the data for a specific app version, without needing extra code in the app:

  1. View any Report in your Analytics account, such as Audience -> Overview.
  2. Click "Add Segment"
  3. Click "NEW SEGMENT" to open the segment builder
  4. Click on Advanced -> Conditions
  5. Click on the filter "Ad Content" to change it. Search for "App Version" and use that, and define your app version name.
  6. Name and Save the filter after selecting it.

1) You can send your app's version together with the tracking or on an event, for example:

    PackageManager manager = this.getPackageManager();
    try {
        PackageInfo info = manager.getPackageInfo(this.getPackageName(), 0);
        trackPage("/SomethingUseful/" + info.versionName);
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
        // Log.e(TAG, "exception / namenotfound");

2) If you have done everything corretly, it should start appearing after a few minutes

3) App

1-> yes , you can send the app version by fetching it through Package Manager and sending it as a String. There is no specific way defined by GA.

2-> Usually the GA data is visible after sometime on Google Analytics Dashboard. Check after a day probably.

3-> If you want to track an app usage, choose app and if you are tracking website choose WebSite

for point 1. you can set the app version in tracker: mTracker.setAppVersion("xx.xx.xx"); then you can see the app version in the admin panel.

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