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Migrate composite-component to custom-component

I have to migrate a composite-component to a custom-component. This example is rather simplified, but demonstrates the problem: the childs of my component ( my:test ) need to be rendered in another component. The composite my:testC , as an example which I don't want to use, would look like this


Obviously (at least I hope I'm correct with this assumption) I can not simply render the p:panel in encodeBegin .

public class Test extends UIPanel
  public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException
    // ??

  public void encodeEnd(FacesContext context) throws IOException
   // ??

I want to use my:test in a way like this:

  <h:outputText value="some Text"/>

The output should be the same than using my:testC : some Text rendered in a PrimeFaces panel. How can I encode the usage of p:panel in my Java class?

You observed that correctly. You cannot simply render "p:panel" or any other jsf markup in a custom component.

What you can do however:

  • Instantiate the subcomponents using the Application instance, add it as a facet or child to your custom component and then call encode on it in your own renderer.

  • Directly render HTML

  • Use the facelet API that should be available in the current JSF (I have never actually worked with that)

  • Use any other template processing like velocity or freemarker to render HTML.

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