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Why the address number is not equal in dec and in hex?

debian@debian:~$ cat  /tmp/test.c
int  main(void)
 int m=1;
debian@debian:~$ gcc  /tmp/test.c -o  /tmp/test.exe
debian@debian:~$ /tmp/test.exe
debian@debian:~$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Jan  2 2013, 16:53:07) 
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
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>>> print hex(-1078061268)

why the -1078061268 in dec is not equal 0xbfbe172c in hex?

it is. in 2's complement.

>>> hex(2**32-1078061268)

An address is not an int. if your machine is 32bit, it is an unsigned int (in fact, uint32_t ). if not, it is a uint64_t . it is always safe to put it in a uintptr_t , and print it with %p .

They are the same, you're comparing signed to unsigned.

take a look here at the formats.

int  main(void)
   int m=1;
   printf("m=%u\n",&m);  // 3219008780
   printf("m=%p\n",&m);  // 0xbfde2d0c

The first printf statement is treating the address as a signed integer. The second is treating it is a pointer (which, for printf, amounts to printing it out as an unsigned hex number). Those two numbers have the same binary representation in two's complement arithmetic, although they are not numerically equal. This is why comparisons between signed and unsigned values are a bad idea.

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