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how to get a value of a field from first query and use it in second query

I have two queries from two tables one is properties and second is images of properties.

The PropertyID field is available in both tables which have relationship of PK--->FK.

NOW my question is here how can I use the value of propertyID which I have received in

the first query and use it in the second one for retrieving the images of each property.

I 've wrote some code, but I receive this error message:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\Scale-Property\\spd\\index.php on line .......

Here is my code:

  require_once('../Admin Panel/db.php');
  if(isset($_POST['Province']) && isset($_POST['District']) && isset($_POST['radio']))
      $query = "SELECT 
    some other fields......,



   FROM properties, provinces, districts, pds, propertyimages

   WHERE Provinces.ProvinceID=Properties.ProvinceID
   AND   districts.DistrictID=Properties.DistrictID
   AND   pds.PDID=properties.PDID
   AND   ProvinceName='".$provincename."'
   AND   DistrictName='".$districtname."'
   AND   PropertyDealType='".$propertystatus."'  

  ORDER BY properties.PropertyID";

      $queryrun= $connection->query($query); // first query run in here

      while ($row= $queryrun->fetch_assoc()) // in here trying to store the propretyID

      if( $connection->error ) exit( $connection->error );
      $count= $queryrun->num_rows;
       echo 'You Have Got <b>'. $count .'  </b>out of 326 Records';

      while($row = $queryrun->fetch_assoc()) 
      $imagequery ="SELECT PropertyID, ImagePath, ImageName, FROM properties WHERE PropertyID = '".$row['PropertyID']."'"; 

      // Now i want to use the stored value of propertyID in here for retrieving the 
         Images of related property

       $imagequery_run= $connection->query($imagequery);    
          if($imagequery_run->num_rows > 0)  
                  while ($imagerow = $imagequery_run ->fetch_assoc()) 


  <div class="propertywrapperviewmore">
     <div class="propertysingleimageviewmore">
     <a href="property.php?PropertyID=<?php
      echo htmlentities($imagerow['PropertyID']) ?>&PropertyID=<?php echo htmlentities($propertyrow['PropertyID']) ?>">

                     <img src="<?php echo htmlentities($imagerow['ImagePath'])  ?>" width="227" height="147" alt="<?php echo htmlentities($imagerow['ImageName']) ?>" ></a>

     <div class="propertyIDviewmorelablevalue">
               <div class="propertyIDL">Property ID:</div>
               <div class="propertyIDV"><?php echo $row['PropertyID']?></div>
     <div class="propertyIDviewmorelablevalue">
               <div class="propertyIDL">Property Name:</div>
               <div class="propertyIDV"><?php echo $row['PropertyName']?></div>




Like Burhan Khalid suggested, you need to join the tables like this:

select [listOfFields]
from properties p
join propertyimages pi 
on p.propertyid = pi.propertyid
where [youWhereClauses]

Where the on part links the PK and FK of the tables. Check the mysql syntax here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/join.html

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