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Codeigniter when i click delete i want pop up notification if if click yes or not


 function delete_exchange($ExchangeRateId) {
    $this -> db -> where('ExchangeRateId', $ExchangeRateId);
    $this -> db -> delete('exchange_rate');


function delete($ExchangeRateId) {
        $user_type = $this -> session -> userdata('user_type');
        if ($user_type != "admin") {
            redirect(base_url() . 'user_admin/login');
        $this -> all -> delete_exchange($ExchangeRateId);
        redirect(base_url() . 'exchange/index');

The delete button is clear, here I want a notification like pop up yes or then must run the action I mean delete on

In view Page

function doconfirm()
    job=confirm("Are you sure to delete permanently?");
        return false;

Delete Link

<a href="<?php echo site_url();?>/mycontroller/delete/<?php print($data->auc_id);?>">
   <img  src='images/delete.gif' title="Delete" onClick="return doconfirm();" >

Do like this in your view..

<a href="<?PHP site_url('delete/').$ExchangeRateId;?>" onclick="return deletechecked();">delete<?a>

    function deletechecked()
        if(confirm("Delete selected messages ?"))
            return true;
            return false;  

you need to do that client side.. in your view... onclick event of a button where you want the conformation use confirm() ...

add this to you button..

<button onclick="confirmation()" />

function confirmation()
   var r=confirm("are you sure to delete?")
   if (r==true)
    alert("pressed OK!")
    // call the controller
   alert("pressed Cancel!");
   return false;

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