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QML c++ signal & slots

I've got following code:


QDeclarativeView *qmlView = new QDeclarativeView();
Blockschaltbild bild;
QObject *value = qmlView->rootObject();
QObject::connect(value, SIGNAL(testSig()), &bild, SLOT(BlockSlot()));

The signals and slots connect correctly. (QObject::connect returns "true")

qml file:

Rectangle {
    id: rectangle1
    signal testSig()
         id: mousearea
         anchors.fill: parent
         onEntered: parent.color = onHoverColor
         onExited:  parent.color = parent.buttonColor
         onClicked: {
                        console.log("Button clicked")

This is where the slot is located:


class Blockschaltbild: public QObject
public slots:
    void BlockSlot(){
        cout << "Slot is working" << endl;

If I click on the mouse area, the console shows "Button clicked" but not "Slot is working". I use Qt 4.8.4 with QtQuick 1.1. Where is my mistake?

If you simply require to work with your Blockschaltbild object in QML, you can also decide against a loose coupling with signal and slots and simply pass your object as a context parameter, to make it available in QML.

QDeclarativeView *qmlView = new QDeclarativeView();

Blockschaltbild* bild;
QObject *value = qmlView->engine().rootContext()->setContextProperty("bild", bild);

You can then call the BlockSlot() slot of your object from QML with:

Rectangle {
    id: rectangle1

       id: mousearea
       anchors.fill: parent
       onEntered: parent.color = onHoverColor
       onExited:  parent.color = parent.buttonColor
       onClicked: {
           bild.BlockSlot() // call BlockSlot of "bild" context property
           console.log("Button clicked")

It is also possible to use qmlRegisterType , which allows you to create instances of your Blockschaltbild class with QML. See here for more information.

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