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Ajax toolkit calender extender not working

我在Visual Studio工具箱中添加了一个名为“ AjaxToolkit”的选项卡,并使用ajax工具箱的dll文件(从Microsoft网站下载)浏览了ir,我不小心删除了保存工具箱的文件夹,但单击该文本框时未显示日历,我再次下载了该工具包,并浏览至选项卡“ AjaxToolkit”,但该选项卡不可见,当我添加具有相同名称的新选项卡时,它说“已经存在具有相同名称的选项卡”,并且如果我通过另一个名称创建了选项卡名称,然后使用工具包浏览它,里面没有任何内容(如压延机和所有选项),压延机没有出现,请告诉我该怎么做

Try these tips:

  1. Right click on any Toolbox tab and Select 'Show All' menu item
  2. Find if your previously added "AjaxToolkit" tab is visible in the list now? (which it should be)
  3. If it is empty, remove the tab and recreate and fill it accordingly


You may "Reset Toolbox" altogether, but take cares if any other custom tabs you had added in the past would also get reset by this action. (That may cause projects using controls from those tabs, work improper)

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