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Target an element by its anchor title in javascript

I would like to hide the home menu item from my navigation menu and only display it when the mobile navigation menu is toggled. Is there a way that I can select the li item by anchor title (home) and add the active class to it when toggled, like I have done to the other elements? or could I do this with css somehow? I'm using a wordpress nav menu so I can't add a specific class to it. Many thanks.

    $(document).ready(function() {
    var $menu = $('#menu'),
    $logo = $('.logo'),
    $menulink = $('.menu-link');

    $menulink.click(function() {
    return false;

This will get the anchor with the title of "home"


So you would use


See the W3C selectors reference for more on this syntax

You know you can target an anchor attributed of a title with only css ?

a[title^="Some title text"] { color: red; }

For targeting with javascript --> related

var links = top.document.getElementsByTagName('a'); var result = []; var linkcount = links.length; for ( var i = 0; i < linkcount; i++) { if (links[i].getAttribute('title') === 'some title text here') { result.push(links[i]); } }

For targeting with jQuery --> user John Conde answered before or Get element by title jQuery

$('a[title="Some title text"]')

Also, try a search on the net with your question --> google for an example

$(document).ready(function() {
    var $menu = $('#menu'),
    $logo = $('.logo'),
    $menulink = $('.menu-link');
    $homelink = $('li[title*="home"]'); // remove the * if u have more with "*home*"

    $menulink.click(function() {
        return false;

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