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How can i deserialize (XML) a url field?

My problem is the following: I'am trying deserialize a XML doc (see it below).

offer id="68985117" categoryId="2921">
    <offerName>CD Metallica - Some Kind of Monster ( 5314040 )</offerName>
    <offerShortName>Cd Metallica Some</offerShortName>
    <link type="offer" url="http://.."/>
    <thumbnail url="http://thumbs.buscape.com.br/T100x100/__2.81-41ca11d.jpg"/>
    <currency abbreviation="BRL"/>

I'am reading [offerName] using XML

offername = x.GetElementsByTagName("offerName")[0].InnerText,

and value by

offervalue = x.GetElementsByTagName("value")[0].InnerText

My question: how can i take the link url and thumbnail url?

Use the GetAttribute() method of XmlElement

string url = x.GetElementsByTagName("link")[0].GetAttribute("url");

Here is a complete example

XmlDocument x = new XmlDocument();

x.LoadXml("<xml goes here/>");

string offername = x.GetElementsByTagName("offerName")[0].InnerText;
string offervalue = x.GetElementsByTagName("value")[0].InnerText;

string linkUrl = x.GetElementsByTagName("link")[0].Attributes["url"].Value;
string thumb = x.GetElementsByTagName("thumbnail")[0].Attributes["url"].Value;


var thumbnailUrl =    x.GetElementsByTagName("thumbnail")[0].GetAttribute["url"].Value;
var linklUrl =    x.GetElementsByTagName("link")[0].GetAttribute["url"].Value;

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