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jsp : set an attribute of an element based on condition

<jsp:element name="input">
    <jsp:attribute name="type">radio</jsp:attribute>
    <jsp:attribute name="id">${status.index}${loop.index}</jsp:attribute>
    <jsp:attribute name="name">skillLevel[${status.index}].skillLevelId</jsp:attribute>
    <jsp:attribute name="value">${4 - loop.index}</jsp:attribute>
    <c:if test = "${(4 - loop.index) == skillLevel.getSkillLevelId()}">
        <jsp:attribute name="checked">checked</jsp:attribute>

Shows error that c:if tag cant be within jsp:element tag. I just want to add the attribute "checked" for the "input" element based on the test condition.

Have you tried like this ?

<c:if test = "${(4 - loop.index) == skillLevel.getSkillLevelId()}">
<c:set var="isChecked" value="checked"/>

<jsp:element name="input">
    <jsp:attribute name="type">radio</jsp:attribute>
    <jsp:attribute name="id">${status.index}${loop.index}</jsp:attribute>
    <jsp:attribute name="name">skillLevel[${status.index}].skillLevelId</jsp:attribute>
    <jsp:attribute name="value">${4 - loop.index}</jsp:attribute>
    <jsp:attribute name="${isChecked}">${isChecked}</jsp:attribute>

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