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JavaScript variables hoisting in nodejs/async

In the next example I don't have access to variable "locals" inside the functions "fetcher", "parser" and "saveToDb".

var parser = require('parser.js');
var fetcher = require('fetcher.js');
var saveToDb = require('models/model.js');
var async = require('async');

function task() {
    var locals = []    //<-- declared here
        fetcher,    //<--  can not access "locals"
        parser,     //<--  can not access "locals"
        saveToDb    //<--  can not access "locals"
            function (err) {
                if (err) return callback(err);

In the next example "local"s is accessible . I just copyed the functions declarations from the requested modules, and pasted them straight inside "async.series".

var async = require('async');

function task() {
    var locals = []    //<-- declared here
        function(callback) {// <-- can access "locals"},  
        function(callback) {// <-- can access "locals"},
        function(callback) {// <-- can access "locals"}
            function (err) {
                if (err) return callback(err);

While this works - I do want to keep my code modular. How can I fix that ? Or - what I forgot here about the fundamentals of JavaScript ?


In the first example, the callbacks live in another scope so can't access locals .

You could create partial functions that get the locals variable passed as first argument, but that would require you to rewrite your callbacks.

// creating a partial
  fetcher.bind(fetcher, locals),
  parser.bind(parser, locals),
  saveToDb.bind(saveToDb, locals)
], ...)

// new function signatures
function fetcher (locals, callback) { ... }
function parser  (locals, callback) { ... }
function saveToDb(locals, callback) { ... }

You can have the 3 mentionned functions defined like this :

function fetcher(locals) {
  return function _fetcher(callback) {
    // this function body will have access to locals

and rewrite your code as:

function task() {
    var locals = []    //<-- declared here
        fetcher(locals),    //<--  can now access "locals"
        parser(locals),     //<--  can now access "locals"
        saveToDb(locals)    //<--  can now access "locals"
            function (err) {
                if (err) return callback(err);

IF i understand your problem correctly this is a javascript 101 question.

fetcher can be a factory that creates a concrete fetcher.

var fetcher = function(locals){
 locals=locals||[] // optional , assign a default , whatever ...
 return function(){
   //do some operation with locals.

then in your script

        fetcher(locals),    //<--  will return the callback to use
        parser(locals),     //<--  will return the callback to use
        saveToDb(locals)    //<--  will return the callback to use

i believe it is a kind of currying.

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