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Converting a binary variable to a hex representation for mySQL statement in PHP

I'm coding a tool to insert test data into a database. Some of the fields are blobs which are the (mcrypt) encrypted representations of strings.

I'm creating binary variables, but can't find a way to properly output it in the format I see in PHPmyAdmin when I export (known good) data as a reference.

For example:

I used PHPmyAdmin to export a known string. It produces a value of 0xe07861bbcaf39ad54a0b85389a9f08886997f8cafffe871b8569c2fcf3293bcc in the VALUES list.

Running bin2hex on my binary field (which I've confirmed contains the same contents as known good data) results in a representation of 7a49e1b3d7c6357cab6b4f9c61bc4d8535c23cbc8789e28ce9321993e9372c80

I can't find any documentation on how to properly convert binary PHP data to the (hex) format that mySQL uses. I've read the similar questions that seem related.

How can I get from a binary field to the 0x.... value that PHPmyAdmin makes?

It's as simple as:

'0x' . bin2hex($bin)

As for the different outputs, my bet is that you are mixing up the original data.

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