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binding to dynamic resource in ItemsControl on the ItemsSource Property

Hey I was hoping someone could answer a couple questions for me. How am I supposed to ensure that the bound data to itemsource updates dynamically? I can't change bindingsource from staticresource to dynamic resource because the Source Property of the Object Binding is not a dependency property of a dependency object.

What does binding to a staticresource mean exactly? I would think that binding to a dynamicresource would mean that the dependencyproperty updates when the resource changes.

Does binding to a static resource merely attach the resource's initial value?

My goal is just to have signal_viewer update based on the signal_data.

    <wpfExp:SignalData x:Key="signal_data" />

<DockPanel x:Name ="maindockpanel"  Height ="Auto" Width ="Auto" LastChildFill="True">
  <ToolBarTray DockPanel.Dock="Top">
    <ToolBar HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top">
      <Button Name="load_button" Height="20" Width="Auto" Click="Load_Button_Click">Load</Button>
      <Button Name="zoom_in_button" Click="zoom_in_button_Click">Zoom In</Button>
      <Button Name="zoom_out_button" Click="zoom_out_button_Click">Zoom Out</Button>

  <ItemsControl x:Name ="Signalviewer_Control" ItemsSource="{Binding Source = {StaticResource signal_data}, Path = list_of_signals}">
        <wpfExp:SignalViewer Signal="{Binding}" MainText="{Binding Path = SignalName}"/>

I'm all against putting the ViewModel or data as a Resource in XAML due to all these issues you mentioned.

Instead, either assign the DataContext in code behind:

public SomeWindow() //Window Constructor
    DataContext = new SomeViewModel();

or use ViewModelLocator

or use the RegisterDataTemplate approach outlined here .

Anyways, if you want to resolve this quickly, change your list_of_signals from List<T> to an ObservableCollection<T>

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