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what is wrong with the hibernate mapping xml?

As I validate the following xml , I get the following error :

The content of element type "class" must match "(meta*,subselect?,cache?,
(query|sql-query)*)". [16]

What could be the reason I am getting this ?

  <class name="pojo.Parent" table="student_detail">
      <id name="roll_number">
          <generator class="increment" />
      <property name="s_name" />
      <discriminator column="discrim" type="string" />
      <subclass name="pojo.Child">
          <property name="hindi" />
          <property name="english" />
          <property name="punjabi" />
          <property name="total" />

The order of the elements is wrong.

Put the discriminator immediately after the id .

Take a look at the example here .

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