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No route matches, form_tag ,ruby on rails

routes.rb file:

get "dcrelations/create" 
get "dcrelations/destroy"
resources :dcrelations
match 'derelations/create' => 'dcrelations#create'
match 'derelations/destroy' => 'dcrelations#destroy'

form file:

<%= form_tag(:controller => "dcrelations", :action => "create", :method => "post") do %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= hidden_field_tag(:clinic_id, @clinic.clinic_id) %>
    <%= label_tag(:doctor_id, "doctor_id: ") %><br />
    <%= number_field_tag(:doctor_id) %>
  <%= submit_tag("Add Doctor") %>
<% end %>

render form file:

<%= render 'shared/dcrelation_form' %>

controller file:

def create
  @dcrelation = Dcrelation.new(params[:clinic_id],params[:doctor_id])
  if @dcrelation.save
    flash[:success] = "doctor added!"
    redirect_to root_url
    render 'clinic/show'
  respond_to do |format|
    format.html # show.html.erb
    format.json { render json: @clinic }

error page

Routing Error
No route matches [POST] "/dcrelations/create"
Try running rake routes for more information on available routes. 

rake routes

dcrelations_create  GET /dcrelations/create(.:format)  dcrelations#create
dcrelations_destroy GET /dcrelations/destroy(.:format) dcrelations#destroy
    dcrelations GET    /dcrelations(.:format)          dcrelations#index
                POST   /dcrelations(.:format)          dcrelations#create
 new_dcrelation GET    /dcrelations/new(.:format)      dcrelations#new
edit_dcrelation GET    /dcrelations/:id/edit(.:format) dcrelations#edit
     dcrelation GET    /dcrelations/:id(.:format)      dcrelations#show
                PUT    /dcrelations/:id(.:format)      dcrelations#update
                DELETE /dcrelations/:id(.:format)      dcrelations#destroy
           root        /                               onedoc#home
         create        /create(.:format)               dcrelations#create
        destroy        /destroy(.:format)              dcrelations#destroy

guys, i just want to use form_tag to update the db. I got stucked by this error and have been searching for few hours. Appreciated for all your help!!!!!

Remove action => :create from your form_tag declaration.

Per your raked routes, the only route you have for a POST to resolve to dcrelations#create is to the URI /dcrelations(.:format)

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