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Get Difference between Following Entities Linq to Entities

Summing up the problem in a single line for clarity as suggested:

I want to find all the things that have different values for some field and are less than a week apart (based on another field)

Let's say I have a Users table and a User class.

Each User has the following fields:

  • SignUpDate a non-null DateTime field
  • UserType an int field, for this question let's say it's either 1 or 0

I'd like to select all the couples of users that signed up less than 7 days apart and have a different user type.

My current (miserable) attempt included an OrderBy(r=>r.SignUpDate) and a .ToList which wasn't a big deal since the number of users for every 2 weeks is not large. (I grabbed all the users from that with overlapping weeks and compared the data).

However, I find my current solution pretty poor. I have no idea what's the correct way to approach this.

I think the core problem here is that I don't know how to address the concept of 'selecting every two corresponding records' in LINQ to Entities after an ordering.

Any help much appreciated, I'm interested in how I would be able to solve this sort of problem without starting my own question in the future.

Example input

 SignUpDate        UserType
 2008-11-11          1
 2008-11-12          0
 2008-11-13          0
 2008-12-13          0
 2008-12-15          1

Example output

Any meaningful way to indicate that the problematic pairs were:

 2008-11-11          1
 2008-11-12          0

(Different by a day and different type)


 2008-12-13          0
 2008-12-15          1

(Different by two days and different type)

Here is a related SQL solution I found.

I don't fully understand what problem you are trying to solve, so the following will be general recommendations only. It sounds like any two user sign-ups that are "adjacent in time" and within a week from each other is the rule, but it sounds a bit odd..

Whenever you want to query on a piece of information that is only indirectly available (ie something that is not simple a column value), use a projection to select the information you need to solve the problem.

var query = from user in context.Users
            let previousUser = context.Users
                .Where( u => u.SignUpDate < user.SignUpDate )
                .OrderBy( u => u.SignUpDate )
            select new
                User = user,
                PreviousUser = previousUser,
                IsDuplicate = previousUser != null && previousUser.UserType != user.UserType,
                SignUpDaysApart = user.SignUpDate.Subtract( previousUser.SignUpDate )

Once you have the data in a more accessible format, it becomes much easier to write the query to solve the business problem.

var duplicates = (from d in query
                 where d.IsDuplicate && d.SignUpDaysApart.TotalDays <= 7
                 select d).ToList();

I hope the above is inspiration enough for you to arrive at a solution.

Came up with sth like this

        private bool LessThan7DaysApart(DateTime d1, DateTime d2)
            return (d1 - d2).Duration() < new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0);

        private void Match()
            List<User> listfortype0 = users.Where(u => u.UserType == 0).ToList();
            List<User> listfortype1 = users.Where(u => u.UserType == 1).ToList();

            foreach (User u in listfortype0)
                List<User> tmp = listfortype1.Where(u2 => LessThan7DaysApart(u2.SignUpDate, u2.SignUpDate)).ToList();
                if (tmp.Count > 0)
                    List<User> matchedusers = new List<User> { u, tmp[0] };                    

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