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How do I export eviews workfile in R?

我需要使用在 eviews 中制作的矩阵,有什么方法可以在R 、eviews 工作文件或数据库中加载或导出并在R 中使用它

A quick google for import eviews into r lead me to the hexView package , this supports reading binary EViews files. Alternatively, you could dump the file into an ASCII format, say csv, and read that into R using read.table .

EViews has the ability to open up an R session and send data over to R (and execute R commands/scripts too).

Setting EViews up to work with R can be a little tricky, but if you just install the RAndFriends package, it can be done easily enough.

Once setup, you simply need a few EViews commands such as:

xput myobject

You can then run R commands on that object from within EViews, or issue an R command to save the object as a native R object, then open up R and access it.

Of course, all of that assumes that you have EViews installed. Without EViews installed, you're probably out of luck. Their data format is notoriously difficult to get at.

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