cost 293 ms
Flow of Control Statement…eviews

i am having a simple problem ,i am sure the solution is easy but , i am not able to solve it . however when i operate : it shows an error , in the ...

2017-05-01 07:52:31   1   29    eviews  
Import Eviews workfile into R

I have problem importing an Eviews workfile into R. I use the hexView package and I can get the time series data into R but I do not get the periods r ...

HexFile package R

I am trying to import an eviews file (.wf1) into R with the hexView package. Code: Error message: Error in readBin(infile, what = "raw", n = n ...

2016-09-29 23:02:23   1   576    r / hex / eviews  
What does w{%A}(!i+1) mean in EViews?

Couldn't find any hint about w{} on eviews documents. Any explanation? w{}(), can't understand how it works. BTW, how can I print a single variable ...

2015-12-04 03:17:19   2   310    eviews  
Call Eviews from Matlab

I am trying to call Eviews (8, 32bit) from Matlab (2013a, 32bit), but without success so far. I used the following code in Matlab: I get the follow ...

Regression in R (vs Eviews)

When you do a regression in Eviews, you get a panel of statistics like this: Is there a way in R in which I can get all/most of these statistics ab ...

2014-01-26 10:06:54   2   1697    r / eviews  

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