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php vertical regular expression search

I've a string describing a matrix of nxm elements like this one:

§inputmap = "
$inputmap = trim($inputmap);

I need to build a regular expression (or something else) to search the string:

$search = "
$search = trim($search);

on the whole grid. On other hands I need to find a pattern of 5 distinct letter "F" (3 vertically and 3 horizzontally) getting back the rows/columns position of the pattern(s) found on the map.

Considering that the input matrix can be different (5x5 or 10x10 or 20x25 or ...), is there a way to solve my problem with php and regular expressions?

You can use $length=strstr($inputmap,"\\n") to find the width of each line. You can then construct a regular expression that will find an F, followed by ($length-2) other characters, followed by 3 Fs, followed by ($length-2) other characters, followed by an F.

You can do something like this (without regular expressions) :

$map = explode("\n", $inputmap);

for ($vcount = 0; $vcount < sizeof($map); ++$vcount) {  // Loop through the map vertically
    for ($hcount = 0; $hcount < strlen($map[$vcount]); ++$hcount) { // Loop through each character of each line
        if ($map[$vcount][$hcount] == "F") {
            if ($map[$vcount + 1][$hcount - 1] == "F" && $map[$vcount + 1][$hcount] == "F" && 
                $map[$vcount + 1][$hcount + 1] == "F" && $map[$vcount + 2][$hcount] == "F")
                echo "Pattern found, starting at : (v)$vcount x (h)$hcount";

$> php test.php
php test.php
Pattern found, starting at : (v)18 x (h)8
Pattern found, starting at : (v)22 x (h)30

But I must admit that it could take a while for extra-big maps.

/!\\ add some code to verify that the line $vcount + 1/2 actually exists, and the char $hcount + 1 too.

You could use the following code:

$lines = array_filter(preg_split("#\r\n?|\n#", $string)); // Creating array of lines
$matrix = array_map('str_split', $lines); // Creating a matrix

foreach($lines as $line_number => $line_content){ // Looping through the lines
    $pos = strpos($line_content, 'FFF');
    if(!$pos === false){// If FFF found
            if(isset($matrix[$line_number-1][$pos+1],$matrix[$line_number+1][$pos+1]) && $matrix[$line_number-1][$pos+1] == 'F' && $matrix[$line_number+1][$pos+1] == 'F'){ //Checking ...
                echo 'Found at: X:'.$pos.' & Y:'.$line_number.'<br>'; // Ouput
            $pos = strpos($line_content, 'FFF', $pos+1); // Search further

What's going on ?

  1. We create an array of lines
  2. We create a matrix
  3. We loop through the lines and search for FFF this is to increase performance. So instead of looping through the whole matrix and searching for F , we directly search for FFF
  4. Check if the value exists in the matrix (to prevent undefined index errors) and then check if it equals F
  5. Output
  6. Search further on the same line

Online demo

Note that the coordinates are the center of the +

try with this pattern:

if the end of line is \\n :

$pattern = '~F.{'. ($n-2) . '}FFF.{' . ($n-2) . 'F~s';

if the end of line is \\r\\n then replace by $n-3

or better use quinxorin trick to know the line length until the \\n

@FrankieTheKneeMan & all... my initial approach was to build 'n' regular expression for 'n' chars of the input grid map. Something like...

$search_001 = "

$search_002 = "

(... omissis ...)

$search_100 = "

(... omissis ...)

$search_999 = "

where "." obvioulsy means any character.

Is this a stupid idea?!?

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