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How to select a node using XPath if sibling node has a specific value?

I have the following document:


How can I get the value of <cc> using XPath if <bb> is zz ?


//a[bb/text() = "zz"]/cc/text()

What you need is following-sibling XPath axis


Test the Xpath here: http://www.xpathtester.com/obj/b55ec3ac-dfa4-4f44-81e8-f963ea4a0625

Q: How to select a node using XPath if sibling node has a specific value?
Because there are only "XPath Axes" for following-siblings and preceding-siblings, you can use one of them if the position is fixed.

But better: Look for cc were the parent has child bb with value 'zz' :


First off, your example is not well-formed XML. Overlooking that and that you didn't describe your intents very well (What exactly do you want to select on which condition?), I assume you want to do this:


It selects

//cc                                    /text()
    [preceding-sibling::bb             ]
                          THAT HAS TEXT VALUE EQUAL TO "zz"

You could write is also as


Please look at the spec , it has some very well readable examples from which you'll learn a lot.


//a : Selects all 'a' elements no matter where it is.

//a/cc : Selects 'cc' elements that are children of the 'a' element (no matter where a is).

.. : Selects the parent of the current node.

[../bb='zz'] : where value of sibling 'bb' element is zz.

Reference: http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xpath_syntax.asp

Another solution for this problem is


Explanation : Any bb that contains 'zz' string in all the child nodes of bb then going to parent node of that bb using .. , now that we can access the cc so returning text.

I hope that explanation isn't complex.

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