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Updating Database from csv using ado and vbscript without recordset loop?

I want to upload data in to an Access database from csv files using Vb Script & ADO so I don't have to open either Access or Excel.

So Far I have a working script below, but is there a better way to upload the data in one batch without having to create a record set and loop through each record?

I've created an example where I have 2 raw data files (csv) the file People.csv contains the fields 'PERSON' and 'COMPANY' and the other file contains 'COMPANY' and 'STATUS'. The database to be updated has one table 'tblPeople' with the Fields 'PERSON' and 'STATUS'.

Const ST_FILES = "C:\test\Files\"
Const ST_DB = "C:\test\db\mydb.accdb"

'Connection to Raw Files
Dim stCS: stCS = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & ST_FILES & _
                ";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited(,)"";"
Dim objCnFiles: set objCnFiles = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"):objCnFiles.open stCS

'Connection to DB
stCS = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & ST_DB
Dim objCnDb: set objCnDb = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"):objCnDb.Open stCS

'Recordset of Raw Files
Dim objRS: set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
                    "FROM People#csv T1 " & _
                    "INNER JOIN Company#csv T2 "& _
                    "ON T1.COMPANY = T2.COMPANY"
objRS.open stSQL, objCnFiles

'The part Below is the part I want to improve:
'Loops through the recordset inserting record into db line by line.
Do until objRS.EOF
    stSQL = "INSERT INTO tblPeople (PERSON, STATUS) " & _
            "VALUES('" & objRS.Fields("PERSON") & "','" & _
            objRS.Fields("STATUS") & "')"

    objCnDb.Execute stSQL


WScript.echo "Done"

Edit: Solution Below using the solution provided by Ekkehard.Horner

Const ST_FILES = "C:\test\Files\"
Const ST_DB = "C:\test\db\mydb.accdb"

'Connection to Raw Files
Dim stCS: stCS = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & ST_FILES & _
                ";Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited(,)"";"
Dim objCnFiles: set objCnFiles = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"):objCnFiles.open stCS

Dim stSQL: stSQL = "INSERT INTO [tblPeople] IN '" & ST_DB & "'" &_
                    "SELECT T1.PERSON, T2.STATUS " & _
                    "FROM People#csv T1 " & _
                    "INNER JOIN Company#csv T2 "& _
                    "ON T1.COMPANY = T2.COMPANY"

objCnFiles.Execute stSQL

WScript.echo "Done"

Use "INSERT/SELECT INTO IN 'External Database'". For your specific task (text -> mdb, your query) the statements would look like

Create new table:
SELECT T1.PERSON AS PERSON, T2.STATUS AS STATUS INTO [tblPeople] IN "P:\athto\your.mdb.mdb" FROM [People#csv] T1 INNER JOIN [Company#csv] T2 ON T1.COMPANY = T2.COMPANY

Append to existing table:
INSERT INTO [tblPeople] IN "P:\athto\your.mdb.mdb" SELECT T1.PERSON AS PERSON, T2.STATUS AS STATUS FROM [People#csv] T1 INNER JOIN [Company#csv] T2 ON T1.COMPANY = T2.COMPANY

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