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Is there a way to customize the Thinktecture.IdentityServer.v2 login page?

I'm using the Thinktecture.IdentityServer.v2 app to perform SSO for a couple of internal apps but would like to customize the login page for each application to have a smoother user experience. I can't seem to find a way to do that.

Can the login page be customized depending on the source application from where the client is comming?

"I can't seem to find a way to do that." - How hard have you tried? ;)

The RP has the extra data fields - so you can hang like a CSS name off the RP in the registration database. Further you can get to that RP data from the signin page - quoting the comment in AccountController:

// you can call AuthenticationHelper.GetRelyingPartyDetailsFromReturnUrl to get more information about the requested relying party

btw - IdentityServer's github repo has an issue tracker - you should use that for questions.

You can always have the RP pass a custom query string param and customize off of that. But you're outside the bounds of WS-Federation at that point. Plus, you must think about the nature of SSO -- the user is really signing into the IdP, not the app. So changing the IdP to look like the app is somewhat disingenuous.

I have solved this by customizing the SignIn.cshtml to adjust the style to what I need. Additionally, I have server side code in the top of SignIn.cshtml that does some string matching on the ReturnUrl ( Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] ). Then I show a different logo and header text based on some values I know to be unique for the different RP urls.

When upgrading to a new version of the ThinkTecture MVC, it will be a small job to update only this file to your specifics (just remember to have a copy of your modified SignIn.cshtml before you upgrade).

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