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dojo AMD module methods in chrome chrome/firebug

Before AMD, we could use methods directly in chrome/firebug command line like: dojo.byId() or dijit.byId() etc.

But in AMD form, how we will get methods available in a module in command line?

You can just put the complete syntax on one line like this:

require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom) { console.log(dom.byId("search")); });

and for dijit.byId() :

require(["dijit/registry"], function(registry) { console.log(registry.byId("search")); });

You can also put the modules in the global space by putting the following snippet in your html :

<script type="dojo/require">
    dom : "dojo/dom",
    registry : "dijit/registry"

See http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/parser.html#declarative-require

That way, you can use the modules directly in the chrome console. eg :


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