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autowired dependency not getting mocked while executing test case with junit and mockito

I am using Junit4 and Mockito for test cases, in the following code dbprop.getProperty("config") is throwing a NullPointerException because dbProp is null. Please help me out why it was not mocked?

public abstract class BaseClass {
    protected DBproperties dbprop;

public class SampleClass extends BaseClass {
    private OrderService orderService;

    valdiateOrder(String input) {
        String config = dbprop.getProperty("config");

public class TestSampleClass {
    SampleClass sampleClass;

    private OrderService orderService;

    public void testValidateOrder() {
        DBproperties dbprop = mock(DBproperties .class);

Your dbprop mock has not been injected into sampleClass , you need to add:

private DBproperties dbprop;

Then remove the dbprop mock creation from your test method:

public void testValidateOrder() {
    // DBproperties dbprop = mock(DBproperties .class); <-- removed

Next, to ensure mocks are injected when using the @InjectMocks annotations you need to either add the following runner:

public class TestSampleClass {

Or call the following in a @Before method:

public void setUp() {

See the MockitoAnnotations and MockitoJUnitRunner JavaDocs for more information on the two approaches.

You can annotate your Object with @Mock, so its look like this

@Mock DBproperties dbProperties;@Before public void init(){ MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); }

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