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how to return array from jquery.ajax()

I have this piece of code:

var suggest=$.ajax({
    cache: true,
    type: 'GET',
    url: solrServer + "suggest?q=" + valore + ec + "wt=json&omitHeader=true&json.wrf=?",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    success: function (data) {
        data = parse();
        function parse() {
            var parsedQueries = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < data.spellcheck.suggestions[1].suggestion.length; i++) {
                console.log('i_esimo: ' + data.spellcheck.suggestions[1].suggestion[i]);
                parsedQueries[i] = data.spellcheck.suggestions[1].suggestion[i];
            return parsedQueries;
console.log('suggest: ' + suggest);

when i print in console:

console.log('i_esimo: ' + data.spellcheck.suggestions[1].suggestion[i]);

I visualize all element of response and after i assign it at array parsedQueries, finally return parsedQueries, that should be assigned to my var suggest, but when i print in console suggest, i have:

suggest: [object Object]

and not my array of value. The question is: how do I return an array of values (string) from 'success' of jQuery.ajax() ???

Since ajax is executed asynchronously it is not possible to return a value from ajax request.

One possible solution is to make the request synchronous using the async: false flag, but it is not recommended.

Another solution is to use a callback method, to handle the result of the ajax request

您应该在服务器端JSON encode数组进行JSON encode ,然后将其作为JSON对象传输回去,并为此在ajax调用中提及dataType :'JSON'

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