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How to add a trailing end of line to AttribueList using Roslyn CTP

I am trying to generate a few properties with [DataContractAttribute] using Roslyn CTP Syntax. Unfortunately, Roslyn puts the attribute on the same line as the property.

Here is what I get:

[DataContract]public int Id { get; set; }
[DataContract]public int? Age { get; set; }

What I would like to achieve:

public int Id { get; set; }
public int? Age { get; set; }

Generator's code:

string propertyType = GetPropertyType();
string propertyName = GetPropertyName();
var property = Syntax
    .PropertyDeclaration(Syntax.ParseTypeName(propertyType), propertyName)

After wrapping those properties in a class, a namespace and finally CompilationUnit, I am using the following code to get the string result:

var compUnit = Syntax.CompilationUnit().WithMembers(...);
IFormattingResult fResult = compUnit.Format(new FormattingOptions(false, 4, 4));
string result = fResult.GetFormattedRoot().GetText().ToString();

One way to do this would to format your code and then modify it by adding trailing trivia to all property attribute lists. Something like:

var formattedUnit = (SyntaxNode)compUnit.Format(
    new FormattingOptions(false, 4, 4)).GetFormattedRoot();

formattedUnit = formattedUnit.ReplaceNodes(
                 .SelectMany(p => p.AttributeLists),
    (_, node) => node.WithTrailingTrivia(Syntax.Whitespace("\n")));

string result = formattedUnit.GetText().ToString();



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