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jQuery Counter Function not working in IE < 8

I have a simple piece of code which I'm running to increment a counter by 1 repeatedly until it reaches a certain amount.

The code operates fine on Chrome/FF/IE9+ but on IE7/8 it gets to £1.80 and stops running.

I can't seem to find the breaking point of it, but it's obviously running a certain amount of times and then stopping.

The main function is:

        (function($) {
            $.fn.countTo = function(options) {
                options = $.extend({}, $.fn.countTo.defaults, options || {});
                var loops = Math.ceil(options.speed / options.refresh_interval),
                    increment = (options.to - options.from) / loops;
                return $(this).each(function() {
                    var _this = this,
                        loop_count = 0,
                        value = options.from,
                        interval = setInterval(update_timer, options.refresh_interval);
                    function update_timer() {
                        value += increment;
                        if(options.format == 'money') {
                            $(_this).html('\u00A3' + number_with_commas(value.toFixed(options.decimals)));
                        } else {
                        if(typeof(options.on_update) == 'function') {
                            options.on_update.call(_this, value);
                        if(loop_count >= loops) {
                            value = options.to;
                            if(typeof(options.on_complete) == 'function') {
                                options.on_complete.call(_this, value);
            $.fn.countTo.defaults = {
                from: 0,  // the number the element should start at
                to: 100,  // the number the element should end at
                speed: 1000,  // how long it should take to count between the target numbers
                refresh_interval: 100,  // how often the element should be updated
                decimals: 2,  // the number of decimal places to show
                on_update: null,  // callback method for every time the element is updated,
                on_complete: null  // callback method for when the element finishes updating

Example is: http://jsfiddle.net/yxEaN/


Your problem has solved for IE. Check my below code

function number_with_commas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");

$.ajaxSetup ({
   // Disable caching of AJAX responses */
   cache: false

$.fn.countTo = function(options) {
    options = $.extend({}, $.fn.countTo.defaults, options || {});
    var loops = Math.ceil(options.speed / options.refresh_interval),
        increment = (options.to - options.from) / loops;
    return $(this).each(function() {
        var _this = this,
            loop_count = 0,
            value = options.from,
            interval = setInterval(function(){
                value += increment;
                if(options.format == 'money') {
                    $(_this).html('\u00A3' + number_with_commas(value.toFixed(options.decimals)));
                } else {
                if(typeof(options.on_update) == 'function') {
                    options.on_update.call(_this, value);
                if(loop_count >= loops) {
                    value = options.to;
                    if(typeof(options.on_complete) == 'function') {
                        options.on_complete.call(_this, value);



$.fn.countTo.defaults = {
    from: 0,
    to: 100,
    speed: 1000,
    refresh_interval: 100,
    decimals: 2,
    on_update: null,
    on_complete: null

$(function($) {
    format: 'money',
    from: 0,
    to: 4229.01,
    speed: (4229.01 / 180),
    refresh_interval: .01,
    on_complete: function(value) {

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