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Jquery .on('input', function(){…}); not working with IE

I have a perfectly working jquery function on Chrome but it doesn't work with IE... The server gets the get AJAX request every time I change something in the textbox #form but not on IE

$("#form").on('input', function() {
    var postdata = {value: $("#value").val()} ;
    $.get('/search', postdata, function(data) {
        var result = ("Type : " + data['type'] + "<br/>Project name : " + data['project_name'] + "<br/>Project version : " + data['project_version'] + "<br/>Product name : " + data['product_name'] + "<br/>Product version : " + data['product_version'] + "<br/>Lib op : " + data['libop'])
        $("#print").html(result) ;

Do you have a solution for this ?

Thanks ! Best regards,


Use onkeyup event

$('input').keyup(function(e) {
    switch (e.which) {
        case 16: break; // Shift
        case 17: break; // Ctrl
        case 18: break; // Alt
        case 27: this.value = ''; break; // Esc: clear entry
        case 35: break; // End
        case 36: break; // Home
        case 37: break; // cursor left
        case 38: break; // cursor up
        case 39: break; // cursor right
        case 40: break; // cursor down
        case 78: break; // N (Opera 9.63+ maps the "." from the number key section to the "N" key too!) (See: http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html search for ". Del")
        case 110: break; // . number block (Opera 9.63+ maps the "." from the number block to the "N" key (78) !!!)
        case 190: break; // .
        //add your code here which will execute by default

Sorry for the long post (specified all events here )

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