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Clear webpage after printing

I am trying to print the content of a particular DIV and after printing the DIV the webpage has to be fixed properly but its just displaying only the DIV I just printed and hides the actual webpage. Any guess what's wrong?

My code is

function printdiv(printpage)
var newstr = document.all.item(printpage).innerHTML;
document.body.innerHTML = newstr;


<img src="im/print.png" onClick="printdiv('mytabprint');" width="50" />

In the above code mytabprint is the DIV element which I want to print.

Any guess what's wrong?

Yes, you're not "hiding" the other contents, you're actually replacing the whole page contents with your div:

document.body.innerHTML = newstr;

You can simply use a print stylesheet instead. For example, add this to your CSS:

@media print {
   rules that only apply for printing 
   like hiding some content

Or link a separate CSS for printing with

<link rel="stylesheet" href="your_css.css" type="text/css" media="print" />

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