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Spring Security HTTPS intercept url access

I am having problem figuring out why no filter is applied whenever I am accessing my site in HTTPS like so: https://localhost:8443/initiator . Thus it is not redirected properly to the login page for unauthenticated user. If I accessed it using http://localhost:8080/initiator then it is working as it should.

I am using a very simple Spring security configuration for my web application. As shown below I want every links to be on SSL.

<beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security"
  <http auto-config="false"  >
   <intercept-url pattern="/**" requires-channel="https"/>
   <intercept-url pattern="/initiator*" access="ROLE_USER" />
   <!-- Other configuration here like the logout, login, etc-->

I using Spring Security version 3.1.3.RELEASE. Please note that everything works fine if it is http. It no longer works if I set it to https.

Thank you very much.

Have you tried interchanging the rules? Because of the precedence, i think when you go https://localhost:8443/initiator is being taken by the first rule. I mean, try in this way:

<intercept-url pattern="/initiator*" access="ROLE_USER" />
<intercept-url pattern="/**" requires-channel="https"/>

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