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reading flask.session with angularjs

Is there a way to access something in session set with flask.session from angular.js on the client side? I am trying to pass data and store to session in the same call from flask and be able to read it from angular later on in the flow.

I am not using the templating system. For the pages, I am only serving up the index file and then using Angular to do the rest. This is my call for the index file:

def index():
    return make_response(open('templates/index.html').read())

If you need access to it in your template, remember that templates have access to session by default in Flask.

var someConfigurationObject = {
    someKey: "{{session["somevalue"]}}",
    other: "keys",
    "go": "here"

If you are sending data back and forth via ajax calls you can simply include it in your response:

return jsonify(data=your_data, session_info=session["special_key"])

Make a service on Angular to read from your server.

app.factory('Session', ['$http', function ($http) {
  return {
    getSessionData: function (callback) {
      $http.get('/_session?key=x').success( function (res) {

Return the value from Flask:

def get_from_session():
    key = request.params['key']
    return session.get(key)

Use it in the Controller:

app.controller(MainCtrl, ['$scope', 'Session', function ($scope, Session) {
  $scope.x = null
  Session.get( function (res) {
    $scope.x = res

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