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Copy as html to clipboard programmatically

My problem is that user could get html copied to his clipboard without selecting it manually and Ctrl + C . The problem is that all plugins i tried (zClip, ZeroClipboard) copy just plain text. And then if i paste it into the Microsoft Word for example just text is pasted but not html which it represents. Is there any way to do that? I tried to find solution for my problem here and on the rest of the web but i couldnt.

window.zclip_copyTaskReference = function (event) {
    try {
        var self = $(event.target);
        var taskId = self.attr('data-task-id');
        var taskName = self.attr('data-task-name');
        var href = location.href.replace(/[#]$/, '');
        var link = $('<a></a>');
        link.attr('href', href);
        var html = link.wrap($('<div/>')).parent().html();
        successMessage('Link copied to clipboard');
        //return link[0];
        return html.trim();
        //return (html);
    } catch (e) {
        errorMessage('Failed to copy link');
        return '';


        path: '/Scripts/jquery/zclip/ZeroClipboard.swf',
        copy: window.zclip_copyTaskReference,
        afterCopy: $.noop()

Try wrapping that code within either <pre> tags or <code> tags. If that doesn't work, you should be able to grab the content with jQuery's html method, serialize that into a string, and copy it to the clipboard.

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