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Copy text and html to clipboard

I made a few simple input elements that when filled will replace the contents of a paragraph with its data. Now I want to copy that filled data from a paragraph with text and html.

So I have made it this far, and I have a pretty well working concept, the only thing that is hindering my progress is the inability to copy the html of a paragraph with its text, here is the working concept jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/sLa4Lqf5/ and the code:


        <div id="inputmeasurements" style="width: 260px;">
                        <p align=right>
                        TITLE:<input type="text" class="topm" id="title" name="title" maxlength="80"><br>
                        SPECIFICS:<input type="text" class="topm" id="specifics" name="specifics"><br>
                        LABEL:<input type="text" class="topm" id="label" name="label"><br>
                        <p align=right style="margin-right: 135px;">
                        Bust:<input type="text" class="botm" id="bust" name="bust"><br>
                        Waist:<input type="text" class="botm" id="waist" name="waist"><br>
                        Hips:<input type="text" class="botm" id="hips" name="hips"><br>
                        Lenght:<input type="text" class="botm" id="lng" name="lenght"><br>
                        Shoulders:<input type="text" class="botm" id="shl" name="shoulders"><br>
                        Sleeves:<input type="text" class="botm" id="slv" name="sleeves"><br>
                        Inseam:<input type="text" class="botm" id="ins" name="inseam"><br>
        <div id="finishedmeasurements" style="width: 300px; display:none;">
            <table id="grid" style="width: 300px; border: 0px;">
                <tr onclick="clipboard(this);">
                         <p id="m1" align=center><FONT size=3 face=Trebuchet MS>
                        B1 Bust inches flat</br>
                        W1 Waist inches flat</br>
                        H1 Hips inches flat</br>
                        L1 Length </br>
                        S1 Shoulders </br>
                        S2 Sleeves </br>
                        I1 Inseam </br>

<p>This is a test for measurements to metadata</p>
<button onclick="myFunction2();switchVisible();">Enter</button>

function myFunction2() {
    var str = document.getElementById("m1").innerHTML; 
    var res = str.replace(/B1/g, document.getElementById("bust").value).replace(/W1/g, document.getElementById("waist").value).replace(/H1/g, document.getElementById("hips").value).replace(/L1/g,document.getElementById("lng").value)
    .replace(/S1/g, document.getElementById("shl").value).replace(/S2/g, document.getElementById("slv").value).replace(/I1/g, document.getElementById("ins").value)
    .replace("TITLE", document.getElementById("title").value).replace("SPECIFICS", document.getElementById("specifics").value).replace("LABEL", document.getElementById("label").value);
    document.getElementById("m1").innerHTML = res;
<button onclick="myFunction3()">New</button>
function myFunction3() {

    function switchVisible() {
            if (document.getElementById('inputmeasurements')) {

                if (document.getElementById('inputmeasurements').style.display == 'none') {
                    document.getElementById('inputmeasurements').style.display = 'block';
                    document.getElementById('finishedmeasurements').style.display = 'none';
                else {
                    document.getElementById('inputmeasurements').style.display = 'none';
                    document.getElementById('finishedmeasurements').style.display = 'block';

function TrelloClipboard() {
    var me = this;

    var utils = {
        nodeName: function (node, name) {
            return !!(node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name)
    var textareaId = 'simulate-trello-clipboard',
        containerId = textareaId + '-container',
        container, textarea

    var createTextarea = function () {
        container = document.querySelector('#' + containerId)
        if (!container) {
            container = document.createElement('div')
            container.id = containerId
            container.setAttribute('style', [, 'position: fixed;', 'left: 0px;', 'top: 0px;', 'width: 0px;', 'height: 0px;', 'z-index: 100;', 'opacity: 0;'].join(''))
        container.style.display = 'block'
        textarea = document.createElement('textarea')
        textarea.setAttribute('style', [, 'width: 1px;', 'height: 1px;', 'padding: 0px;'].join(''))
        textarea.id = textareaId
        container.innerHTML = ''


    var keyDonwMonitor = function (e) {
        var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
        if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
        var target = e.target
        if (utils.nodeName(target, 'textarea') || utils.nodeName(target, 'input')) {
        if (window.getSelection && window.getSelection() && window.getSelection().toString()) {
        if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange().text) {
        setTimeout(createTextarea, 0)

    var keyUpMonitor = function (e) {
        var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
        if (e.target.id !== textareaId) {
        container.style.display = 'none'

    document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDonwMonitor)
    document.addEventListener('keyup', keyUpMonitor)

TrelloClipboard.prototype.setValue = function (value) {
    this.value = value;

var clip = new TrelloClipboard();

function clipboard(el) {
    // deselect all
    var selected = document.getElementsByClassName("selected");
    for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) {
        selected[i].className = '';
    el.className = 'selected'


#finishedmeasurements {
    font-family: Trebuchet MS;
    line-height: 24px;
#inputmeasurements {
    font-family: Trebuchet MS;
    padding-right: 20px;
    line-height: 23px;
.botm {
    width: 33px;
    margin-left: 5px;
.wideinput {
    width: 200px !important;
.selected {
    background: #ddd;

If you just want to copy the HTML results manually you can inspect the element with Chrome and copy (right-click, copy) the entire field to a text-editor.

I did this straight from the fiddle you provided. In blue is the field I right-clicked to copy and the gray box on the bottom right is the copied results on sublime text.

Is that what you needed?


Ok, I've found the solution by myself, by replacing < with &lt; and > with &gt;

Edit: A similar question and the answer were posted here How to display HTML tags as plain text , and that is where I got the answer from!

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