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OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle with SonataAdminBundle

What should I do to make this bundle work with SonataAdminBundle ? I configured OhGoogleMapFormTypeBundle basing on README . This is my configureFormFields method:

protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
            ->add('latlng', new GoogleMapType())

I'm getting error:

Please define a type for field `latlng` in `GM\AppBundle\Admin\PlaceAdmin`

So really there is a problem with FormMapper. The solution was quite simple, but to find it spent a lot of time. There are two ways:

The first method (I did not like):

$form = new YourType();

Second method:

->add('latlng', 'sonata_type_immutable_array',array('label' => 'Карта',
      'keys' => array(
                    array('latlng', new GoogleMapType(), array())


public function setLatLng($latlng)
   return $this;

* @Assert\NotBlank()
* @OhAssert\LatLng()
public function getLatLng()
   return array('latlng' => array('lat' => $this->latitude,'lng' => $this->longitude));

I first defined the GoogleMapType as a service, in the app/config.yml file:

    # ...
        class: Oh\GoogleMapFormTypeBundle\Form\Type\GoogleMapType
            - { name: form.type, alias: oh_google_maps }

I'm kinda noob with Symfony2, so I don't know why by some reason the alias must be oh_google_maps .

Then, I set up the fields and functions for storing the latitude and longitude in my Entity class:

private $latlng;

private $latitude;

private $longitude;

public function setLatlng($latlng)
    $this->latlng = $latlng;
    $this->latitude = $latlng['lat'];
    $this->longitude = $latlng['lng'];
    return $this;

* @Assert\NotBlank()
* @OhAssert\LatLng()
public function getLatLng()
    return array('lat' => $this->latitude,'lng' => $this->longitude);

Finally, in my custom Sonata Admin class, at the configureFormFields function:

protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
        ->add('latlng', 'oh_google_maps', array());

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