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custom action in SonataAdminBundle

On this page I found how to add route for my custom action.

protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection) {
    $collection->add('ispremium', $this->getRouterIdParameter().'/ispremium'); 

After that I add custom action in my Admin class:

protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
        ->add('code', null, array('label' => 'Code'))
        ->add('_action', 'actions', array( 
            'actions' => array(  
                'ispremium' => array(
                    'template' => 'AppMyBundleBundle:Admin:ispremium.html.twig'

It generated url like this:


My template for this link:

<a href="{{ admin.generateObjectUrl('ispremium', object) }}">Link</a>

I dont' know how to solve this problems:

  1. How to define custom controller for that route pass? Now I have an error:

    Method "Sonata\\AdminBundle\\Controller\\CRUDController::ispremiumAction" does not exist.

  2. Can I change generated url with generateUrl method?

When you are creating service for EntityAdmin class the third argument is the controller name. You can create a class that extends CRUDController and set it in service. eg

The controller,


class EntityAdminController extends CRUDController
    public function ispremiumAction()

In services.yml ,

  class: FQCN\Of\EntityAdmin
    - { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: your_group, label: Label }
  arguments: [null, FQCN\Of\Entity, VendorYourBundle:EntityAdmin]

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