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CherryPy application behind apache, apache serving other applications

What I want to do:

host/ --> apache
host/app1 --> apache
host/app2 --> apache --> cherrypy

I am totally lost between mod_rewrites, proxies, virtualhosts and locations. Don't know how to do it. I know how to get:

host/ --> apache --> cherrypy

or even:

host/app2 --> apache --> cherrypy

but don't know how to mix everything together Any idea?

The reason to do this is because I want to install my app (done with cherrypy) running behind an apache server that has other apps (done in PHP, perl, etc.).

Create a config file under httpd/conf.d/, that reads:

ProxyPass /app2 http://localhost/app2
ProxyPassReverse /app2 http://localhost:9091/app2

this is the cherrypy server:


with an application running in /app2.

This is a reverse proxy. When client requests /app2, the request is finally handled as


and this seems being done without the client being aware of the cherrypy server.

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