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how to get the properties of an object in inventoer using api

I am new in Inventor api programming.I want to get the properties of a active document.I am using vb.net for coding.I tried some code but no help. here I use some code for open an inventor document ,it is working fine

Public Sub OpenDoc()
    Dim oDoc As Document
    oDoc = _InvApplication.Documents.Open _
End Sub

any one know how to get the part1.ipt document's properties.?

First try to understand the object model

   -------- Documents
               ---------- Document
                              ------------- PropertySet
                                                ------------ Property

Now, you can access the info you require ...

Public Sub ShowDocuments()
     ' Get the Documents collection object.
     Dim invDocs As Documents
     Set invDocs = ThisApplication.Documents
     ' Iterate through the contents of the Documents collection.
     Dim i As Integer
     For i = 1 To invDocs.Count
         ' Get a specific item from the Documents collection.
         Dim invDocument As Document
         Set invDocument = invDocs.Item(i)
         ' Display the full filename of the document in the Immediate window.
         Debug.Print invDocument.FullFileName
End Sub

Since you already got the document, you can just iterate through the PropertySets and the Properties therein with two For-Each-Loops like this for example:

    Dim oPropSets As PropertySets
    oPropSets = oDoc.PropertySets
    Dim oPropSet As PropertySet
    For Each oPropSet In oPropSets
        Dim oPartProp As Inventor.Property
        For Each oPartProp In oPropSet
            Dim oPropertyValue As Object
            If oPartProp.Value Is Nothing Then
                'NullValue-Properties are ignored
            ElseIf oPartProp Is Nothing Then
                   'Null-Properties are ignored too
            ElseIf System.String.Equals(oPartProp.Value.ToString.Trim, "") Then
            'Properties with empty values are also ignored
                'And here you have your Property:
                Debug.Print(oPartProp.Name & "=" & oPartProp.Value.ToS5tring & vbLf)
            End If

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