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How to get data from an XML File in C# using XMLDocument class?

Good Evening All, and happy weekend!.

I have been trying all day to understand how to parse my simple XML file so I can understand it enough to write a personal project I want to work on.

I have been reading articles on this site and others but cannot get past where I am :(

My XML Document is ...

    <Device>My PC</Device>
    <CreationTime>27 June 2013</CreationTime>
    <UpdatedTime>29 June 2013</UpdatedTime>
    <LastUsage>30 June 2013</LastUsage>
    <Name>Test Item</Name>
    <Details>READ ME</Details>

I am trying to get the value in the details element (READ ME). Below is my code

// Start Logging Progress
Console.WriteLine("Test Application - XML Parsing and Creating");

// Load XML Document
XmlDocument MyDoc = new XmlDocument();  MyDoc.Load(@"E:\MyXML.XML");

// Select Node
XmlNode MyNode = MyDoc.SelectSingleNode("XML/Configuration/Details");

// Output Node Value
Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("Details: ", MyNode.Value));

// Pause

My console application is running and outputing "Target: " but not giving me the detail within the element.

Can somebody see why this is happening, and perhaps give me advice if I am completely off the wheel? I have no previous knowledge in reading XML files; hence where I am now :)

Thanks! Tom

With the your XPATH expression

// Select Node
XmlNode MyNode = MyDoc.SelectSingleNode("XML/Configuration/Details");

your are selection an element so the type of the MyNode will be XmlElement but the Value of an XmlElement is always null (see on MSDN ) so you need to use XmlElement.InnerText or XmlElement.InnerXml isntead.

So the changed your code to

// Output Node Value
Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("Details: ", MyNode.InnerText));

Or you can select the content of an element with using the XPATH text() function, in this case MyNode will be XmlText where you get its value with Value :

// Select Node
XmlNode MyNode = MyDoc.SelectSingleNode("XML/Configuration/Details/text()");

// Output Node Value
Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("Details: ", MyNode.Value));

As a sidenote if you are anyway learning XML manipulation in C# you should check out LINQ to XML which is another/newer way to working with XML in C#.

Just for interest, a little-known "simple" syntax is this:

XmlDocument myDoc = new XmlDocument();

string details = myDoc["XML"]["Configuration"]["Details"].InnerText;

Note that this (and the XPath approach) could go pop if your XML doesn't conform to the structure you're expecting, so you'd ideally put some validation in there as well.

U can use Xpath library for that (u must include "System.Xml.XPath"):

 XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
         XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();

        foreach (XPathNavigator nav in navigator.Select("//Details"))


the above code iterate over every node called (Details) extracting information and print it.

If you want to retrieve a particular value from an XML file

 XmlDocument _LocalInfo_Xml = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement _XmlElement;
            _XmlElement = _LocalInfo_Xml.GetElementsByTagName("UserId")[0] as XmlElement;
            string Value = _XmlElement.InnerText;

Value contains the text value

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